This century is often associated with the information revolution. Success can be determined by an organisation’s ability to use and protect its information, one of its most valuable assets. ISO 27001 offers a system for managing Information Security and is fully compatible with other existing management systems. ISO 27001 is applicable to all organisations and certification is beneficial to most. Benefits of ISO 27001 certification: makes information flow within a company secure and effective
Certified organisations can include URS and UKAS logos in their promotional activities.
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ISO 9001 is an international business standard containing criteria for the documentation, implementation and certification of a quality management system.
A quality management system can be implemented in any organisation, regardless of the company’s size, business or ownership.
Being certified to ISO 9001 demonstrates your organisation is complying with all its requirements.
ISO 9001 is globally recognised and can assist with the international trade of goods and services.
Benefits of ISO 9001 certification:
makes information flow within a company secure and effective
Certified organisations can include URS and UKAS logos in their promotional activities.
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